
Archamon (ViWE 0.2.12) Web Status ...     

Application log (7:26:46, Uptime=33:04:07, Items=11, YourIP= [5] | [20] | [50] | [100] | [all]

Unhandled (T=0:10:54): GlobalAsaxError#35 17.05.2024 7:15:51    [BOT:]  
   EXC=A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (<)., URL=http://archamon.cz/WebArchamon/%3C!--

Unhandled (T=0:44:13): GlobalAsaxError#35 17.05.2024 6:42:32    [BOT:]  
   EXC=A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (&)., URL=http://archamon.cz/&dir/about-archamon

Unhandled (T=1:20:49): GlobalAsaxError#35 17.05.2024 6:05:56    [BOT:]  
   EXC=A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (:)., URL=http://archamon.cz/http:/testasp.vulnweb.com/t/fit.txt/about-archamon

Unhandled (T=3:03:10): GlobalAsaxError#35 17.05.2024 4:23:35    [BOT:]  
   EXC=A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (:)., URL=http://archamon.cz/WebArchamon/https:/visiongame.cz

Unhandled (T=3:23:10): GlobalAsaxError#35 17.05.2024 4:03:36    [BOT:]  
   EXC=A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (:)., URL=http://archamon.cz/ke-stazeni/https:/visiongame.cz

Unhandled (T=3:23:10): GlobalAsaxError#35 17.05.2024 4:03:35    [BOT:]  
   EXC=A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (<)., URL=http://archamon.cz/%3C!--/comments

Unhandled (T=3:23:10): GlobalAsaxError#35 17.05.2024 4:03:35    [BOT:]  
   EXC=A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (:)., URL=http://archamon.cz/sin-slavy/https:/visiongame.cz

Unhandled (T=19:06:24): GlobalAsaxError#35 16.05.2024 12:20:21    [BOT:]  
   EXC=A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (:)., URL=http://archamon.cz/domu/https:/visiongame.cz

Unhandled (T=23:13:50): GlobalAsaxError#35 16.05.2024 8:12:55    [BOT:]  
   EXC=A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (:)., URL=http://archamon.cz/https:/visiongame.cz

Info (T=33:03:54): LoadRegionTemplates#74 15.05.2024 22:22:51    []   Loaded region templates: 18
   EXC=null, URL=http://archamon.com/WebArchamon/default.aspx

WebStatus (T=33:04:05): ViWE started. 15.05.2024 22:22:40    []   Version=0.2.12
   EXC=null, URL=http://www.archamon.com/

Visit rate statistics

Doba sestavování stránky: 0,02 sec
Přístupy uživatelů: 0,06/min (celkem 124)
Přístupy botů: 1,01/min (celkem 1994)
Přístupy na web Archamon (celkem 0 / 0 položek)

Counter statistics

[not inited!]

Data statistics

Velikost článků: 344,65 kB, počet článků: 142
Velikost obrázků: 4,96 kB, počet obrázků: 46
Velikost e-mailů: 0 B, počet mailů: 0
Velikost logu: 416,93 kB, počet položek logu: 1055
Velikost logu hledání: 0 B, počet položek logu hledání: 0
Celkový objem sledovaných dat: 766,54 kB


FriendlyUrls: Items=67 Started at=15.05.2024 22:22:40 WebUrlConfig=6
DB Cache: N/A
Memory Cache: N/A

CacheEngine statistics (objects list)

CacheEngine: Items=2, Reads=0, Adds=2, Updates=16, Errors=0, TotalSize=0 B (0 %)

System informations

App folder on server: D:\Sites\web_3999056793928684874589025\www\
App FolderRoot: D:\Sites\web_3999056793928684874589025\www\WebArchamon
App ID: #1

ViWE application: Archamon
ViWE DB prefix: WebVion_
ViWE version: 0.2.12

Images replacing:

UrlConfiguration: 6
LANG: [.com] -> [lang=en]
LANG: [.cz] -> [lang=cz]
REPL: [/archamon/cz/] -> [/webarchamon/?lang=cz]
REPL: [/archamon/en/] -> [/webarchamon/?lang=en]
RAW: [online_nuglib.aspx] -> []
RAW: [vdistro.aspx] -> []

Adminzone IPs:
Not used!